Weight Training

It is very important to balance your running with specific weight training for the arms twice a week (on non-running days) which should take 5 to 10 minutes. This helps build not just muscle strength but bone strength as well and will help you with your running as your arms are very important in running as well.


  1. Begin with free weightsof 1.5Kg , 2Kg, 2.5Kg or 3.Kg – which ever feels not so heavy that is hard to lift. As I demonstrated last night, there are two basic exercises.
  2. Standing in place, using the same arm motion as you do when you run, holding free weightsin both hands. Sort of a circular motion clockwise. Start off with 3 X 15 reps. Between each of the 15 reps, rest for about 30 seconds letting both weights just hang straight down – but still holding them in your hands.
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  4. Just like the first exercise but raising arms the height of your head making circular arm running motions. Again 3 X 15 reps with 30 seconds rest in between the reps.
  5. You can also you two liter bottles of soda water for weights.
  6. After some time when it gets easier, you can add increments of 5 reps (20, 25, 30 ). Never need to go beyond 30.
  7. I am sure you can find free weights and any sports store. You can also use bricks or something that weighs more than a kilo. 2 Soda bottles work well as weights

Note: This workout I received from a good friend, Dr. Manoach Groskin who is an experience weight lifter and runner.