
Dear Jon,

It’s difficult to put my gratitude into words. I have sat down multiple times to write this letter, but somehow, language is too limited to express how I feel about having completed your running chug.

As you know, less than two years ago, I was hospitalized with a life-threatening cardiac issue. Baruch HaShem, my ten day stay in the hospital ended with a successful cardiac ablation, and I have been under the care of a cardiologist ever since. Even though I was given a clean bill of health following the ablation, for the past two years I have lived with a chronic, nagging fear. Your chug not only got me to the 5K, it gave me back my confidence that my body would not betray me, and that I could really return to a full and active life. (The cardiologist cleared me for participation in the chug, and liked the slow, age and fitness appropriate build up of the 21 week plan.) As I crossed the finish line, I could literally feel my post-traumatic stress subsiding. You improved my health, but even more, you gave me back my life.

I never could have achieved this without your constant support and encouragement. Each time that I had to travel for work, or missed a week, you patiently built a “catch up program” for me, and made sure that I stayed on track. You were never willing to give up on me, and consequently, you didn’t let me give up on myself. I have said repeatedly that I would have quit were it not for the fact that I didn’t want to disappoint you! You were so invested in my personal success, that I had no choice but to be equally invested.

One of the best parts of the chug was doing it with my daughter, Chedva. We “kept each other honest” and enjoyed wonderful mother-daughter bonding time during our weekly runs. On days when I didn’t feel like running, Chedva nudged me. On days when she was less enthusiastic, I forced her to come with me. Now, Tikva (a past chug graduate), Chedva and I can all run together, and we’re hoping other family members will also be inspired to complete your program.

Around chanuka time, I joked with someone that if I finished the chug, it would be a modern-day miracle. Well, I guess I’m here to say that miracles do happen! Thank you, Jon, for being a miracle worker, for believing in Chedva and me, and for making it possible for me to conquer my own worst demons. There is so much more to say, but please let people know that if I can do it, ANYONE can do it.


With deep gratitude and respect,
Shira (and Chedva) Reifman

Almost 7 PM. Should be getting ready for my 7 PM jog with Jon and friends. To hear about jogging/running in the parsha, to exercise in a way that doesn’t feel like exercise, cause you’re with friends and having fun.   My time with Jon’s introductory course is over. If you haven’t yet had the pleasure, sign up for the program. You’ll be happy you did.

Dr. Moshe Oberman

Dear Jon and Sara,

I can’t thank you enough for the time and energy that you devoted to all of the runners, particularly, our daughter, Tikva.  Not only did Tikva become more physically fit, she learned a lot of life lessons about goal-setting and perseverance, about incremental achievements and pushing through when you feel uninspired.  Most importantly, she learned that hard work is rewarded and her self-esteem increased in the process.

Tikva was hesitant to join the chug as she isn’t naturally attracted to running and she didn’t think she would have any friends in the group.  You made her feel welcome from the start.  Despite the big age range in the group, Tikva felt comfortable, and felt that everyone was so encouraging, regardless of her level or ability.  Tikva specifically mentioned that you always chatted with the runners, and told them stories, to pass the time and make it more enjoyable.

In truth, there were some weeks when it was hard for Tikva to get motivated.  However, thanks to your encouragement and support, Tikva stuck the course.  As the weeks crept by, she felt more and more accomplished.   I will never forget the night of the final 5K run.  Tikva had a smile from ear-to-ear as she crossed the finish line.  She gushed to me that she couldn’t believe how she hadn’t even been able to run for 2 minutes at the start of the chug, and now she was able to run for more than half an hour straight.  She, and we, were absolutely thrilled by her accomplishment!

I’m delighted (and even a little surprised) to report that Tikva has kept up the running over the past few weeks.  She found a running partner and has created a weekly schedule with her so she continues to run the 5K once or twice each week.  We hope that Tikva’s success will inspire her sisters to follow her example and join your next cohort!

Thank you for all that you do.  In 100 years, someone is going to do a research project on the Yad Binyamin community to find out why the average life expectancy is longer in our community than in the surrounding area.  They will trace it back to a super-star couple who gave of their time and hearts to help others improve their health and well-being!

With lots of love and appreciation, and blessings that you have the strength to continue doing what you do for many healthy years to come!

Shira and Daniel Reifman

Thanks for a wonderful Chug. What a great way to spend QT together, father and son, over the course of the week. Healthy, wholesome and perfect for one-on-one bonding. Here’s to many years of running together – thanks from the both of us

Mark and Avichai Abrahams (Father and Son)

At the beginning you just can’t believe that you’ll get there in the end…but we did!  A great coach, a great team-spirit from Day One and a great way to grow a father-son achievement that you’ll remember for a long time. And you get healthy!  Jon Kowal – a true Tzadik! Run long and prosper!

Simon and Shlomo Cadranel (Father and Son)

My 12 year old daughter asked me to run with her in Jon’s running Chug.  Not only was it a bonding experience for us to run together but I was also modeling for her and my other children the importance of spending time on self care and health.  Thank you to Jon who is such an inspiring yet humble leader.

Sara Levy

To our dear and dedicated coach, Jon , (and his wonderful assistant coach, Sara),

You have been an amazing coach, truly inspiring and motivating us physically, mentally, and spiritually. In your honor, we have made a donation to the very special organization “Tikvot,” a non-profit that rehabilitates wounded soldiers and victims of terror in Israel through sports. Though one does not typically discuss the amount of the gift donation, in this case we will—we chose the meaningful number of 360 shekels… 360 representing the completion of a full circle, a full cycle. We are grateful for your having guided us through this complete training cycle. As we stand at the close of one full year, ready to enter the next, may the merit of this tzedakah donation bring the brachot of Shleimut and Shalom to your and your family in every way.

With deep appreciation,

The women, young women, and girls of the 9th machzor

Jon is a super coach!! He is able to motivate runners of all levels and offers practical and useful tips. It’s clear he is passionate about running and stays on top of the latest developments and research.  Most importantly, Jon’s program works!! It’s intelligently planned and everyone is able to achieve success.

Arlyn Boltax

RunningwithJon is a great experience.  You won’t believe your progress if you stick to his program of running only 3 times a week.  Never thought that I would be running a 5K.  Unbelievable health benefits.  Take advantage of this opportunity. Looking forward to the Nachal Sorek run on Eisor Chag Sukkot.

Yitz Inker

Dear Jon,

I joined your chug because I knew I really needed to start some kind of exercise program in order to live a healthy lifestyle.  But throughout my adult life, I had never really exercised.  I NEVER thought I’d be able to run 30-40 minutes straight.  And, yet, with your guidance and coaching, after a few short months, I was able to do just that.   Your enthusiasm motivated all of us to keep going.  Due to the nature of the sport, I was even able to keep up with it while traveling.  I especially want to express my thanks to you for your positive support, encouragement, and personalized advice.

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Thank you and may you continue to coach others for many more years to come,

Debbie Inker

Jon’s running chug was a great way to work up to running a 5k. Jon is a great coach who gave us lots of tips and information about running, eating, and more. Running with the group made it a fun experience and provided the motivation to keep going. Highly recommended!

Phil Americus

Thank you Jon for taking the time and energy to teach us how to run properly. Week by week you added guidance and chizuk to help us get in condition to run a full 5K. You taught both by instruction and by example and I am very grateful.

 Yaakov Lipman

We couldn’t belive that we will manage to run 5K… With that program it was made possible.. And fun!!

Thank You so much!!!

Galit Minster

I started Jon’s Chug hating running and really struggling to run 10 seconds at a time – seriously! I still don’t like running and I still don’t believe I can run more than 10 seconds at a time but by some miracle ( mainly Jon and our running buddies ) I just ran the 5K race. For 20 weeks I didn’t stop moaning and threatening to quit but hats off to Jon, he is an amazing coach, his program works and I’m still runnning. If I can do it anyone can.

Jonny Ucko 

Although I had been sporadically jogging on my own, I never dreamed of running a full 5k without stopping, let alone a 10k. With the kind encouragement and proven systematic method of training (not to mention good exercise!), Jon helped me get back into shape and run both a 5k and 10k, running straight w/ out breaks the whole race, within a 6 month period!

And its free!

Thanks for getting me back on track and giving me the running bug, kol hakavod for all you have done to help the runners (and soon to be runners) of yad Binyamin!

Naphtali Lavenda

Thanks again, Jon – it really is a great programme. I think the key to the programme is how unintimidating it is; by breaking everything into more manageable pieces, it becomes much easier to achieve the goal – which, ultimately, is a healthier lifestyle. It has also been a great opportunity for me to connect with my daughter, who has taken to joining me on her bike while I run. (When she asked me why I’m doing this – I told her to PG see her grandchildren 😉 )

Thanks for the quiet professionalism, the availability, the attention to details – and, most of all, for pushing us on to overcome our inertia and do something so very important for our health, and the happiness of our families.

Marc Abrahams

Dear Jonathan – we would like to thank you for your dedication and encouragement. Without your coaching – we would never achieve the goal of running 5km straight. Wish you good luck with the new group.

Tamar and Elad Sternlicht.