Running Shoes – Tips!

Importance on Buying “Appropriate” Running Shoes

Besides having the appropriate running clothes, the most important equipment in Running are running shoes. One needs to invest in the proper running shoes that is appropriate for your foot strike and stride.

Running while being one of the most flexible sports, is relatively inexpensive requiring an investment in good running shoes while other sports requires additional equipment and memberships. For example biking need a bicycle, helmet, replacement tubes and serious biker use bike shoes. Swimming for example requires membership to a pool that has set hours.

To prevent injury, besides running with good form (such as running tall, quiet running, hands to the sides, quick stride turnover-cadence, smaller steps, not over striding, etc.), having the most appropriate running shoes gives you the support you need, based on your unique running style.  All of us are built differently, weigh differently and run differently on how our feet come in contact with the ground. It is important to get a pair of good running shoes that has the support that takes into consideration these differences.

Also in determining the right type running shoe, you must have your stride analyzed to access your level of “pronation” (how you strike the ground and at what angle) plus your arch type:


Tips for Buying Running Shoes

  1. Though there are running shoe guides in Runner’s World website: with shoe reviews, the best advice I can give is to visit a local reputable running store with experienced staff.
  2. Bring an older pair of running shoes so they can determine from looking at the sole how the shoe where it has been wearing down that can indicate how you pronate.
  3. It is best if the store has a treadmill so the shoe specialist can see how you stride plus many stores will video tape your stride so they can analyze your pronation.
  4. It is always wise to try a number of pair of running shoes and go for a small run outside to see how they feel.
  5. Take as long as you can in your initial visit because running shoes do run more expensive than running shoes in standard shoe outlets and you want to make sure you have found the best fit and feel for you since you will be using these shoes to most appropriately absord impact depending how you run.
  6. Marathon runners typically buy shoes one size large than what they usually where since their foot expands the longer they run.
  7. Once you found the “perfect” shoe and have good experience running with them, it may be a good idea to stick with the same model though every 1-2 years there may be slight upgrades.


Israel Running Shoe Buying (Yad Binyamin/Beit Shemesh area)

My friend Chaim Wizman, who owns Al Derech Burma, is one of the closest running stores in our area. Chaim has recently has moved Al Derech Burma to his home in Beit Shemesh: 17 HaShoshan Street.





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Evaluating Best Running Shoes with Chaim Wizman


Chaim, who is also the head of the Beit Shemesh running group, is highly experienced in fitting proper running shoes where he has you running on a treadmill and video tapes you running to determine your level of pronation in order to direct you to the right type of running shoe.


I highly recommend you go to Chaim to best assure you purchase running shoes appropriate for you. Those of you that are part of the Yad Binyamin running chugim should mention your participation to Chaim as he extends discounts to chug members.


Contact Chaim at 054-351-8009  to arrange a good time to meet during the weekday (Sunday through Thursday) during evening hours.

See inspirational video featuring Chaim has he talks about the Jerusalem Marathon:


Here is a map from Yad Binyamin to Chaim Wizman’s home (new “Al Derech Burma” location) 17 Hashoshan Street, Beit Shemesh:

  1. To Beit Shemesh:


  1. To Chaim Wizman’s home:
