Interval Running Program

Fundamentals of the Jon’s Beginning Interval Run Walk Program


I developed the “Interval Run-Walk Training program in 2006 in response to beginning runners who have not run for years or at all but were motivated to want to start an exercise program that was gradual in nature to help them get into shape.


I have had hundreds of participants world-wide following this program including an ongoing workshop I give in person in Yad Binyamin, Israel over the past 3 years.


The program has 4 parts which takes 21 weeks (4 and half months) to complete. The first part covers 6 weeks with the goal of running 1 minute running and 1 minute walking (15X). The goal of the program is after finishing all 4 parts, you with have the ability to run 5K comfortably straight without breaks.


The mainstay of the program is that walking intervals are always one minute in length though the repetitions that start out at 15 times, over time, will gradually decrease. The net interval workout is more or less 35 minutes. You need to add 5 minutes of a warm up walk before the workout and 5 minutes of a cool down walk following the workout.


See run/walk interval chart for the 1st 6 weeks. The first week of the program includes running 15 intervals of 10 seconds running and 1 minute walking.

Important points:

1. Make sure you are consistent and committed to 3 times a week: 1-2 rest day(s) between sessions.
2. Do not accelerate the plan – but gradually increase the running portion as indicated in the plan each week.
3. Make sure you take 2 deep cleansing breaths about 15 seconds before every running interval.
4. Keep to the 5 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down (walking).
5. Dynamic Stretches before Warm up and Static Stretches after cool down.

Follow this 5 points plan and you’ll feel energized, increase your endurance and lose weight.


Helpful Hints:
1. 15 seconds before you start each running interval, take 2 deep cleansing breathes (deep breath in and out), which really relaxes your whole body before running. Though you will be breathing through both your nose and mouth during running, the deep cleansing breath should be inhaling just through your nose and exhaling through your mouth – counting slowly for 4-6 seconds inhaling and counting slowly for 4-6 seconds inhaling X 2.
2. When starting each running interval – don’t accelerate quickly into the run (like pushing down a gas pedal), rather accelerate gradually until you find a comfortable pace.

3. 5 seconds before finishing each run interval slows decelerate before you start your one minute walk interval.
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4. Take a watch so you can time the interval’s correctly.

5. Since you will be running short running intervals initially, you can count the 10 second running interval (1,2,3…) without looking at a watch.


Three Times a Week:

This first week of the program is critical to establishing a pattern/habit. Make a verbal commitment and tell your friends and family (to get their support) that you are starting an exciting run/wall program and that you are running 3 times a week. Though part one has 6 weeks, just focus on a week by week basis for the running goal for that week (e.g. running 45 seconds). The key is to make a contract with yourself to make sure that you run 3 times the first week.


A rest day is just as important as a running day. For example you can run Sunday, Wednesday and Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. One of the best things about running is that you need very little equipment (your running shoes) and you can run any time that is convenient for you. . Run with a member of the Class or with a spouse, or your child, or by yourself.


Stay committed to the program following each week’s progression, since if you skip a level, there may be a possibility of suffering injuries by “doing too much too soon”.


Most important: Have Fun as you are getting in shape!


Any questions – give a call/send email


Good luck and Much Success!.


Jon Kowal
